september: how we measure growth

As a kid- it’s easy. You seem to shoot up overnight, and the marks on the wall in your childhood home speak the testimony of how much you’ve grown over the year. It’s easy to compare, as your sister still looms a few inches over you. “One day, I’ll be that tall,” you think. (In… Continue reading september: how we measure growth


On the first, I felt paralyzed by fear. It’s the calm before the storm– that moment you know you’re going to be sad for quite some time but it hasn’t sunk in yet. It’s the moment right before irreparable damage is done. One breath in, one breath out. It’s not going to be that bad,… Continue reading january

Advent Conspiracy & The Petition for Presence

Hey lovely friends! I know everyone was really just waiting in anticipation for another emotional rant about vulnerability and how much I hate change, but you’re out of luck. 😉 I DID want to let you guys know about some really exciting things that are going on though! Tomorrow is December 1st. Advent has already started!… Continue reading Advent Conspiracy & The Petition for Presence